Retirement Read Time: 4 min

Immediate vs. Deferred Annuities

尽管不像其他一些退休工具那样为人所知,年金占了6%.5% of all assets earmarked for retirement. With about $2.2万亿美元的资产,年金比罗斯个人退休账户持有更多的资金.1

An annuity is a contract with an insurance company. In exchange for a premium or a series of premiums, 保险公司同意定期向合同持有人付款. 年金合同中持有的资金累积到递延税款.

适合有兴趣累积退休资产的个人, 年金可能很有吸引力,因为它们不受供款限制, unlike most other tax-deferred vehicles. In other words, 有退休意识的个人可以存多少钱就存多少钱买年金.

Two Phases

Immediate and Deferred Annuities

年金合同要经历两个不同的阶段:积累和支付. During the accumulation phase, 这些资金一直累积到年金合同的支付日期. At that time, 这笔钱可以一次性支付,也可以在一段时间内分批支付,期限可以延长到账户持有人的一生.

归属于初始溢价的资金将不会被征税, 但这些基金的任何收益都将作为常规收入征税.

Immediate Annuity

顾名思义,即时年金的结构是提供当期收入. After paying the initial premium, an individual receives regular income, which can be deferred for up to twelve months. 合同中剩余的资金以递延纳税的方式累积. Only that portion of each payment attributable to interest is subject to taxes; the rest is treated as a return of principal.

本文仅供参考,不能替代现实生活中的建议, so make sure to consult your tax, legal, 和会计专业人士修改你的税务策略之前.

Deferred Annuity

也可以购买一份年金合同,将支付推迟到未来的特定日期. 你向递延年金支付的保费会累积,并在累积阶段赚取利息. 年金持有人决定支付的金额和开始支付的时间, which is usually in retirement. 有了递延年金,你从合同中获得的收入在提取时就要纳税.

Annuities have contract limitations, fees, and charges, including account and administrative fees, underlying investment management fees, mortality and expense fees, and charges for optional benefits. 大多数年金都有退保费,如果你在年金合同的头几年取出钱,通常退保费最高. 提款和收入支付按普通收入征税. If a withdrawal is made prior to age 59½, 10%的联邦所得税罚款可能适用(除非有例外情况)。. 年金合同的担保取决于发行公司的赔付能力. 年金不受联邦存款保险公司或任何其他政府机构的担保.

Variable annuities are sold by prospectus, 其中包含有关投资目标和风险的详细信息, as well as charges and expenses. 我们鼓励您在投资或汇款购买可变年金合约之前仔细阅读招股说明书. 招股说明书可向保险公司或您的财务专业人员索取. 可变年金子帐户的价值会根据市场情况而波动,如果放弃年金,其价值可能会高于或低于原来的投资金额.

对于有退休意识的投资者来说,年金有一些吸引人的特点,可能值得探索. 在签订合同之前,年金也有一定的限制和费用需要考虑.

1., 2024

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